Hello Friends!

I launched a podcast with the leading expert in regenerative farming, Joel Salatin!   It’s called BEYOND LABELS.

Joel and I co-wrote the book BEYOND LABELS, which was the first time a farmer and a doctor joined forces to tell the real truth behind what’s making our nation sick and what we can do about it.  Readers loved our lively banter and felt empowered by the many free market solutions we provided.  So…

We decided to bring that same banter, depth of research, and real-life practicality to a podcast!

Each week, Joel and I offer new insights into the fields of health, nutrition and farming that are unrivaled by anyone in the virtual space.  Joel is the leading expert in regenerative farming while I’m a leading expert in food and disease reversal.  Together we complete the cycle from soil to health - leaving no gaps in between. 

Many people don’t know this, but Joel helped me heal from an autoimmune disease.  I couldn’t eat any meat or poultry purchased from the grocery store without getting sick.  By the time I found Joel and Polyface Farm, I was protein malnourished and losing weight uncontrollably.  Miraculously, I was able to eat Joel’s meat and the weight loss stopped!   

Joel taught me the importance of regenerative farming from a farmer’s perspective.  Learning from books and from behind the computer screen is drastically different from real-world experience.  In short, Joel brings something to the table that I can’t.  And, even though I already wrote a book with Joel, he teaches me something new in every podcast episode!       

I hope you will consider joining us on this new adventure where we will explore uncharted territory in the pursuit of truth, empowerment and practicality. 

A new podcast is released every week.  We also provide bonus content each month, such as: behind the scenes videos of Joel on the farm as well as videos of me in the kitchen either cooking a meal or preparing herbal remedies.

We are hosting the podcast behind a paywall to help shield the content from censorship.  However, in alignment with our free market principles, you choose how much you think our podcast is worth.  We offer our podcast at a universally acceptable $1 per month minimum subscription in order to cover the transaction fees.  If you think the podcast is worth more, we hope you might contribute more in order to keep the lights on. 

If you’d like to check out our podcast, I’ve included three videos below (each week, the podcast is available in both audio and video forms). 

Thank you for your continued support.  I’m grateful to share this space with you.  I move forward with unshakable faith, unbreakable hope, and unconditional love.

With love and gratitude,

Dr. Sina McCullough

 Video Clip #1:

In this episode, Joel and I discussed inflation and how it is affecting farmers; in a later episode we discuss our personal inflation hacks. Watch the clip HERE.

 Video Clip #2:

In this episode, we discussed the ongoing court case of Amish farmer Amos Miller.  The outcome of this one case will affect all of our ability to access farm-fresh, nutrient dense food. Watch the clip HERE. 

Interview with Sayer Ji:

Last week, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Sayer Ji, founder of Sayer and I discuss everything from how to activate and support your body’s natural resilience, whether or not viruses exist, the detoxification process behind acute illnesses, and how humans may transfer genetic upgrades to each other through their breath.

Watch the interview on YouTube HERE

Watch the interview on Rumble HERE

Listen to the interview on our podcast HERE

If you’d like to join our virtual tribe by becoming a subscriber, please click HERE to access the sign up page.


Dr. Sina McCullough

Dr. McCullough is the creator of the online program "GO WILD: How I Reverse Chronic & Autoimmune Disease," which teaches people how to reverse chronic and autoimmune diseases in a step-by-step manner.

She is an expert in Nutrition, Disease Reversal, Functional Medicine, Exercise Physiology, and Energy Medicine, as well as a certified Natural Healer™, Master Herbalist, and Gluten Free Society Practitioner.

Dr. McCullough is the host of the YouTube channel “Health in a Hurry” where she features 5 minute tips to help you achieve health, happiness, and joy.

She is the author of two books: HANDS OFF MY FOOD and BEYOND LABELS, which was co-authored with Joel Salatin from Polyface Farm.

Dr. McCullough is the co-host and co-producer of the Beyond Labels Podcast alongside Joel Salatin and Expert Health Write for Epoch Times.

Dr. McCullough nearly died from an autoimmune disease; however, through the grace of God, she was able to fully heal without the use of medication. Now she is dedicated to helping others find their second chance.

Join Me in June for TWO DAYS OF TRUTH!


Good News in Food & Health! (June 2020)