Hire Me To Speak!

Discover the Transformative Power of Dr. Sina McCullough's Speaking Engagements.

Highly energetic and dynamic, Dr. Sina McCullough is an internationally recognized motivational speaker, health expert, author, and consultant.

Dr. McCullough has a knack for turning complex scientific insights into practical, actionable advice, making her the perfect fit for everyone from health professionals to busy moms.

Her captivating presence resonates with all, from energetic kids and multitasking moms to high-powered corporate leaders.

Teaching Intuitive Cooking at Polyface Farm alongside Joel Salatin

Why Hire Dr. McCullough?

Dr. Sina McCullough is a renowned expert in the fields of disease reversal, food regulation and loopholes, personalized nutrition, intuitive eating, and personal empowerment.

She earned a PhD in Nutritional Biology and a B.S. in Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior with a minor in Exercise Physiology from the University of California at Davis.

Her specialties include:

  • Chronic & Autoimmune Disease Reversal

  • Re-wiring the Nervous System

  • Functional Medicine

  • Personalized Nutrition Programs

  • Food Supply Regulations & Food Labeling Fallacies

  • Energy Medicine

  • Holistic Wellness (Certified Natural Healer™)

  • Herbal Remedies (Certified Master Herbalist)

  • Glutens (Certified Gluten Free Society Practitioner)

Dr. Sina’s dynamic speaking style and deep expertise ensure that every audience leaves not only informed but also inspired and equipped to make meaningful changes in their lives.

Popular Topics & Workshops

Dr. McCullough offers a variety of speaking engagements tailored to meet the needs of different audiences. Some examples include:

  • Healing Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases: With years of research and personal experience, Dr. McCullough has developed a roadmap to wellness, empowering individuals to take control of their health, reclaim their vitality, and live pain-free lives.

  • Decoding the Food Supply: In today’s complex food landscape, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and deceived by marketing gimmicks and regulatory loopholes. Dr. McCullough demystifies these complexities, teaching audiences how to make recognize labeling loopholes and fallacies for smart shopping and clean eating.

  • Emotional Detox Workshop: Beyond physical health, Dr. McCullough’s teachings focus on holistic well-being, including mental and emotional health. She guides individuals in identifying their “emotional tigers” that keep them in a chronic state of fight or flight and helps them release that energy to achieve emotional peace and balance.

  • 5 Minutes to a Healthier, Happier You: Dr. Sina provides easy-to-implement tips tailored for the hectic schedules of modern families. The tips focus on create balance in the body, mind, and spirit in only 5 minute a day.

  • Re-Wiring the Nervous System: Dr. Sina wields a powerful tool in her arsenal: rewiring the nervous system. Whether your aim is to reverse disease, enhance sleep, boost energy and joy, or conquer lifelong goals, rewiring your nervous system holds the key. It’s a skill we can all master and Dr. Sina shows you how.

  • Practical Nutrition for the Busy Mom: Learn how to create quick, nutrient dense meals, decode food labels, and make smart grocery choices that support your family's health. This talk equips you with practical strategies to ensure everyone eats well, even on the busiest days.

  • Holistic Detox Roadmap for the Body, Mind & Spirit: Dr. Sina guides you through a comprehensive detox plan that revitalizes your body, clears your mind, and rejuvenates your spirit. She offers practical steps for eliminating toxins, reducing stress, and fostering emotional well-being.

“We often put ourselves down and shame ourselves, which creates a story that we are not enough - not good enough, worthy enough, or lovable.

But you can change your story.

You set yourself free the moment you realize you are not broken. You don’t have to “fix” yourself.

You do not have to earn the right to breathe.

You are already good enough exactly the way you are.”

— Dr. Sina McCullough

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Please include the location and date of your event in your request.