Dr. Sina’s Blog

Welcome to my blog!

I share my thoughts on food, health, natural medicine, stress reduction, and disease reversal with a keen focus on providing practical solutions that everyone can incorporate into their daily lives.

Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Create Your Own Natural Body Soap

This is part 5 of a 9-part “DIY Personal Care Products” series originally featured in Epoch Times.

In this series we explore how to save money and lower our toxic burden by harnessing the healing powers of nature through home-made personal care products. By making your own product line, you can avoid the side effects of chemical additives, artificial fragrances, and toxic preservatives commonly found in commercial products.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Crafting Your Own Age-Defying Eye Cream

This is part 4 of a 9-part “DIY Personal Care Products” series originally featured in Epoch Times.

In this series we explore how to save money and lower our toxic burden by harnessing the healing powers of nature through home-made personal care products. By making your own product line, you can avoid the side effects of chemical additives, artificial fragrances, and toxic preservatives commonly found in commercial products.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Crafting Your Own Natural Toothpaste

This is part 3 of a 9-part “DIY Personal Care Products” series originally featured in Epoch Times.

In this series we explore how to save money and lower our toxic burden by harnessing the healing powers of nature through home-made personal care products. By making your own product line, you can avoid the side effects of chemical additives, artificial fragrances, and toxic preservatives commonly found in commercial products.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Crafting Your Own Natural Shampoo

This is part 2 of a 9-part “DIY Personal Care Products” series originally featured in Epoch Times.

In this series we explore how to save money and lower our toxic burden by harnessing the healing powers of nature through home-made personal care products. By making your own product line, you can avoid the side effects of chemical additives, artificial fragrances, and toxic preservatives commonly found in commercial products.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Crafting Your Own Natural Body Lotion

This is part 1 of a 9-part “DIY Personal Care Products” series originally featured in Epoch Times.

In this series we explore how to save money and lower our toxic burden by harnessing the healing powers of nature through home-made personal care products. By making your own product line, you can avoid the side effects of chemical additives, artificial fragrances, and toxic preservatives commonly found in commercial products.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

5 Minute Chicken Bone Broth

This recipe is nutrient dense and delicious yet only takes 5 MINUTES to prep! I like to drink the broth from a mug and add a freshly minced clove of raw garlic. It’s healing and delicious!

As always, use your intuition by personalizing your diet based on your body’s individual needs. Ask your body before adding each ingredient if it wants that ingredient. If not, leave it out. Feel free to venture outside of this recipe by asking if your body wants other vegetables, herbs, or spices that aren’t listed below such as ginger or bay leaf.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Herb Chicken In A Hurry!

This recipe is a family favorite! It is delicious and only takes 5 MINUTES to prep! With minimal effort, you can offer your family a delicious herb chicken alongside a scrumptious vegetable medley!

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Chicken Seasoning Mix

To save money in the kitchen, I buy spices and herbs in bulk and create my own seasoning mixes. This strategy also allows me to personalize my seasoning mixes based on my body’s individual dietary needs. This is one of my favorite seasoning mixes for roasted chicken.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Creamy Chocolate Smoothie!

This chocolate smoothie is one of my favorite desserts! It utilizes natural sugar and simple ingredients. I consume it sparingly, though, because cacao/chocolate can contain heavy metals.

As always, personalize this recipe by listening to your intuition when choosing specific ingredients, and choose organic ingredients when possible.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

JOIN ME for the 4th Annual Two Days of Truth Health SUMMIT!

Join me for the 4th Annual Two Days of Truth Summit hosted by BEYOND LABELS! We will explore ancient and modern detoxification strategies and create a personalized detox plan tailored to your needs!

Featuring experts in detoxification, including: Sayer Ji, Dr. Leland Stillman, Dr. Sina McCullough, Joel Salatin and Hilda Labrada Gore.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough


These sausage balls are at hit in our home!  My 9-year-old son can’t stop making yummy noises when I serve these.  Yet they are simple and quick! I often triple the recipe and freeze 2/3 of the sausage balls, which means I cook one time and produce 3 meals. 

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Introducing the Beyond Labels Kids & Teens Club!

Join us for the 1st Beyond Labels Kids & Teens Club! Kids will learn directly from renowned experts, including: Farmer Joel Salatin, Dr. Sina McCullough, and Holistic Hilda. Hands-on activities are provided to spark curiosity and a love for learning. From the wonders of nature to the marvels of science, children will develop a sense of awe and gratitude.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Set Yourself Free this Holiday Season

While Christmas is a joyful time of the year, many of us dread the family gatherings. If your family is anything like mine, deep wounds and suppressed emotions surface during family festivities. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to heal these family divides and set yourself free from the holiday dread? That may sound like a Christmas miracle, but that’s exactly what I did - and you can too!

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Recapture the Magic with Stress-Free, Simple Holiday Gatherings

Do you remember being a child during the Christmas season? It was magical. People were kinder, a palpable joy danced in the air, and anything seemed possible - if you believed. As we age, that magic seems to fade. But why should magic be reserved only for children? Re-create the magical season you once knew by opting for a stress-free holiday!

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

The Difference Between A1 and A2 Milk

Dairy is a common trigger for autoimmune and chronic diseases. Consequently, sometimes people reluctantly remove dairy from their diet in an attempt to heal themselves. However, if you don’t want to give up your cheese, there might be another option.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Herbal First Aid Kit Part SIX: ALOE VERA

The Egyptians referred to Aloe as “the plant of immortality.” The Egyptian queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra used Aloe as part of their daily beauty routine. Egyptian books from 550 B.C.E. recorded that skin infections were cured using Aloe.

Today, scientific studies have demonstrated that Aloe Vera contains numerous healing properties, including: anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic, and skin protection.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Herbal First Aid Kit Part FIVE: PEOPLE’S PASTE

People’s Paste is a combination of herbs that were used by ancient cultures to stop bleeding, disinfect wounds, and heal cuts and punctures. In an emergency, it can take the place of stitches.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Herbal First Aid Kit Part FOUR: FRANKINCENSE

The “King of Essential Oils,” frankincense is one of the world’s most important and well-known natural remedies. Studies have confirmed that frankincense contains numerous healing properties, including:

· Anti-cancer

· Anti-diabetic

· Anti-arthritic

· Anti-inflammatory

· Stress Reducer

· Anti-depressant

· Anti-microbial

· Anti-fungal

· Neuroprotectant & Memory Enhancer

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Herbal First Aid Kit Part THREE: PEPPERMINT

In ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, mint was used to treat indigestion and sooth the stomach. In fact, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 B.C.

By the 18th century, in Western Europe, peppermint was used for nausea, morning sickness, vomiting, menstrual disorders and respiratory infections. Mint was listed in the London Pharmacopoeia in 1721 as a remedy for colds, headaches, sores, and venereal disease.

In South Africa, dried mint leaves were burned and the smoke inhaled as a treatment against mental illness. Recently, scientists have confirmed the effectiveness of these ancient practices through numerous studies demonstrating that mint can regulate the nervous system.

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Dr. Sina McCullough Dr. Sina McCullough

Herbal First Aid Kit Part Two: PLANTAIN

Plantain is used in nearly every part of the world. Its use in wound healing dates to at least the Greeks who prescribed the leaves for treatment of dog bites. The Vikings also used plantain to heal wounds. Due to its popularity in the 14th century, plantain was revered in Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ for its ability to heal a broken shin.

Science has confirmed that plantain is an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, pain-blocker, antidiarrheal, antidiabetic, antioxidant, anti-tumor, and immune-modulator.

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